The Many Health Benefits of Bowling as You Get Older

Bowling offers a lot of potential physical and mental health benefits for people of any age. That said, bowling can be particularly beneficial for older folks. Here are a few reasons why!

It’s Easy on the Body

As the years tick by, the body will slowly wear down. That said, the right approach to physical health and working out can help reduce the effects of aging and help people stay in good health. Hitting the local bowling lanes is a great option because it’s easy to select different ball weights and modify bowling motions to be easier on the body. Bowling is a rather active sport, and you can spend quite a bit of time on your feet. At the same time, if you need to take a break and get off your feet, seats are always close by.

It Gets the Heart Pumping

While bowling is a whole-body exercise, it also offers a solid cardiovascular workout without being too intense. This way, older folks can get their hearts pumping while also keeping the risks of overdoing it at a minimum. The excitement of getting a strike gets your heart rate up while allowing you to concentrate solely on the bowling lanes in front of you.

It Burns Calories

Bowling can burn quite a number of calories. How many calories burned will depend on how intense the bowling session is and how much someone is spending on their feet and moving around. That said, you can expect to burn between about 150 to 250 calories per hour during a round of bowling, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

It’s a Social Activity

Social isolation is a serious societal issue, and older adults are especially vulnerable. Bowling offers a great opportunity to meet up with friends, enjoy snacks, and socialize. Do you want to meet new people? You can join a bowling league or club, too! This way, you’ll have an easier time forging new friendships.

It should come as no surprise that bowling is the most popular participation sport in the U.S. among individuals aged 65 and older, according to ZipDo. If you’re looking for a great place to bowl, get in touch with Lodi Bowling. We offer quality bowling lanes, delicious food and drinks, and more!